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How Buyer Personas Can Help a Startup Succeed

Posted by: Rushal Patel
Dec 14, 2016 5:05:00 AM

Buyer Persona.jpg

Selling to an invisible audience is difficult to do. Many startup owners are shocked to discover that the real challenge of launching a brand doesn't actually occur until that product is already developed and ready to be launched. The reality is that identifying an audience and spreading your message to the right people can be the most difficult aspect of launching a brand. You already know how crowded and competitive the market is. What you may not realize is that having the best product available isn't a guarantee that your startup company will rise to the top. Visibility and relevance are the two deciding factors when it comes to whether or not your startup company will last past its first year of existence. Connecting with customers is the best way to be competitive. This is why more and more businesses and startup companies are actually developing buyer personas that can be used to create relevant content and effective marketing measures. A buyer persona is a relatively new concept in the marketing world. The reality is that the marketing industry simply didn't have the technology to create such an accurate and detailed analysis of customers up until very recently. A buyer persona is heavily based on details that can be mined from data. The reality of the marketing world today is that customers no longer have to answer surveys or voice their opinions in order to tell brands exactly who they are and what they want. Brands can learn everything they need to know about customers simply by observing digital behaviors and measuring interaction levels.


Topics: Lead Generation, Startup Marketing

Reasons Why Inbound Marketing is the Best Bet for Tech Startups

Posted by: Rushal Patel
Oct 24, 2016 8:00:00 AM

The tech world isn't like any other world. Tech-minded people live in a constant race to invent, discover or share the latest and greatest products and services. It takes a special kind of marketing plan to stand out in the tech world. Fresh information beats stale, generic information any day of the week in the technology realm. Many startup companies never quite get off the ground because they don't realize that using their tech-minded identities to create an approachable and authoritative stance is the best way to go. What does it take to stand out in an industry that's ruled by leaders, thinkers, builders and innovators who always stand out? Inbound marketing has never been more relevant than it is today.

Topics: Inbound Marketing, Content Marketing, Lead Generation

Startups Take Notice: Your Key Performance Indicators

Posted by: Rushal Patel
Nov 18, 2015 2:18:00 PM

KPIs_for_Startups.jpgLook at what is not working, scale up what is – that is what the agile, smart startup looks to do.

Investments in your startup are followed closely by marketing in terms of the vital areas that require your focus, writes Steven Shattuck for Techpoint.

Consider what channels produce customers. Avoid wasting many


Topics: Inbound Marketing, Content Marketing, Demand Generation, Lead Generation, B2B Content Marketing

How Much Will Technology Level the Field?

Posted by: Susan Loughmiller
Nov 16, 2015 8:53:50 PM

How_Much_Will_Technology_Level_the_FieldComputing muscle that was once available to large corporations is now accessible to everyone including small innovators, a major shift in the dynamics of business competition, Beverley Head writes in a recent AFR Weekend.


Topics: Inbound Marketing, Content Marketing, Social Media, Demand Generation, Lead Generation

1, 2, 3 To Get More Leads

Posted by: Susan Loughmiller
Nov 9, 2015 9:52:47 PM

Chances are, if you are running or working as the main marketer for a startup, you already believe that your idea is one that has excellent potential.

Still, with the key stakeholders believing in an idea, most startups face a daunting challenge trying to get sales.


Topics: Inbound Marketing, Content Marketing, Social Media, Demand Generation, Lead Generation, B2B Content Marketing

If the Road Seems Slow, Try A Different Route

Posted by: Rushal Patel
Nov 2, 2015 12:06:39 PM

All startups dream of having the billions of Uber, the wildly successful business model of Airbnb, or the popularity of Snapchat. But the overwhelming majority of tech startups must persevere to make sure their product or service makes it to market, whether solo or by taking a partner corporation along.


Topics: Lead Generation, B2B Content Marketing

7 Ways Startups Can Generate Leads With Social Media

Posted by: Susan Loughmiller
Oct 21, 2015 12:21:00 PM

7_Ways_for_Startups_to_Generate_Leads_Using_Social_MediaStartups aren’t on social media to share cat videos and read celebrity gossip - they’re on social media for business. But, getting leads from social media is not so easy.


Topics: Inbound Marketing, Content Marketing, Demand Generation, Lead Generation

8 Marketing Reports You Shouldn't Live Without

Posted by: Susan Loughmiller
Oct 7, 2015 3:16:00 PM


If you’re using the Inbound Marketing model - attract online visitors and transform them to leads, then customers - the right reports must be presented in a form everyone in your company can understand.


Topics: Inbound Marketing, Content Marketing, Lead Generation, B2B Content Marketing

Stop Losing Business To A Cheaper Competitor

Posted by: Rushal Patel
Oct 6, 2015 8:54:00 PM

43391930_sTrying to outdo your competitors simply by offering the lowest prices in the industry will always set you up for failure. Attracting customers and creating brand loyalty is about much more than being the least expensive option. The B2B market is looking to maximize productivity in addition to reducing costs, and that means they’re making purchasing decisions based on the best overall value of a product instead of the price tag.


Topics: Inbound Marketing, Content Marketing, Lead Generation, B2B Content Marketing

8 Fundamentals for Inbound Marketing Success

Posted by: Susan Loughmiller
Sep 28, 2015 9:00:00 PM


No matter how busy you are, you simply can't ignore the importance of inbound marketing for your business.


Topics: Inbound Marketing, Social Media, Lead Generation, B2B Content Marketing