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4 Key Rules to Keep in Mind When Launching Your Startup

Posted by: Rushal Patel
Oct 31, 2016 8:00:00 AM

It can be difficult to take time to catch your breath once you've come up with an idea that you believe is going to change the world. However, pausing to focus and come up with a plan for launching a startup company the right way could mean the difference between failure and success. There are actually some universal rules to follow that will position your startup company for success. Take a look at the four key rules to follow when the time comes to launch your product.

Topics: Startup Marketing, Entrepreneurship

Your Cybersecurity Startup Must Have These 4 Qualities

Posted by: Rushal Patel
Oct 28, 2016 8:00:00 AM

The cybersecurity sector has never been more important. Threats that attempt to breach networks and steal valuable personal information are coming from every direction. Even the biggest companies in the world have become victims of hackers. When starting a cybersecurity firm, you are essentially trying to build enough recognition to convince clients to trust you with the most valuable assets they posses. This responsibility is enough to keep any startup owner up at night. The big challenge that many tech startup companies face is that they essentially serve two masters when it comes to what their goals are. A cybersecurity firm must devote resources to stopping security attacks and thwarting hackers. However, that same firm must also deliver a user-friendly product that can be easily integrated into a client's work cycle.

Topics: Startup Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Cybersecurity

Entrepreneurship Isn’t Easy – Here are the 6 Hard Lessons for You to Learn

Posted by: Rushal Patel
Oct 17, 2016 8:00:00 AM

It can be easy to look at the long list of self-made people who changed the world and think that the life of an entrepreneur is easy. However, what the public doesn't see when they look at the sparkling lives of rich, successful entrepreneurs are all of the disappointments and failures that greeted them early on in their pursuits. The bottom line is that there are countless hours of work, struggles and defeats behind every success story. It is easy to become lost or disillusioned along the way as you try to make the world as excited and impassioned about your vision as you are. Many entrepreneurs learn important business lessons the hard way. The good news is that you can keep a clear head while you build your brand if you keep some important truths in mind. 
Entrepreneurs need to be prepared to meet the challenges and obstacles that await them. Here are six hard lessons you need to know if you're ready to chase your vision. 

Topics: B2B Marketing, Startup Marketing, Entrepreneurship