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Paid Promotion

paid promotionPaid Promotion Helps Get Instant Results

Paid marketing, especially targeted pay-per-click marketing can provide instant return on investment by generating high quality leads for your business. When done correctly, paid promotions can bring visitors to your site that are both in your target demographic and interested in what you have to offer.

In addition to AdWords, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn have begun focusing on providing ad options to businesses that leverage user interests and people they have in common. This allows for very targeted ads, which can greatly improve your conversion rates, especially compared to the conversion rates when people arrive at your site from a search engine result.

Importance of Paid Promotion for B2B Businesses

B2B businesses that are starting their inbound marketing campaigns should not ignore paid marketing options. Forgoing paid promotion for organic marketing comes with a high opportunity cost. Organic marketing takes time due to research, implementation and high competition. It can take weeks or months to start seeing traffic, and if not implemented correctly, a single Google algorithm update can destroy your progress.

Get in touch with us today to see how we can help you implement a paid promotion strategy to achieve your business’s marketing goals.

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