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Lead Nurturing and Marketing Automation

Lead Nurturing, Marketing AutomationLead nurturing is all about education; it is the process of delivering personalized emails with relevant useful information to the leads in your database and eventually getting them ready to purchase your products and services.

Marketing automation is built on this concept; it is a computerized implementation of a targeted marketing campaign based on lead intelligence data.

This is powerful because the system is entirely based on the actions each lead has taken on your website. This means that every email is highly relevant and customized to your lead's interests. Think about the emails that you get from Amazon based on the items you have viewed, similar concept.

Using a marketing software like HubSpot, we will build a powerful and personalized lead generation machine for your business. We will work with you to:

  1.        Define and segment leads by buyer personas and their interest in your products and services
  2.        Leverage existing content such as recorded webinars, eBooks, whitepapers and blog posts to nurture leads via email marketing
  3.        Measure and track activity and optimize for better performance

MarketHeed will help you reduce your overall customer acquisition cost by increasing the lead to customer conversion rate through marketing automation and lead nurturing.

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