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Conversion Optimization

Conversion OptimizationKeep the Focus on Goals and ROI

The ultimate goal of any ad campaign is to generate conversions, which are usually sales but may also include actions like filling out a contact form or joining a mailing list.

Conversion optimization is a process that involves matching a piece of content or an advertisement to a landing page in a way that improves the chances of the user performing a desired action.

It is common for people to believe that a large number of visitors to a site or clicks on a marketing ad mean that a campaign is successful. The reality is that conversions determine the return on investment, so this metric is arguably the most important.

Optimizing Marketing Messages for Conversion

Conversion optimization is an ongoing process that involves testing nearly every aspect of both an ad and the web page that it leads to. This includes everything from how call to actions are worded to the type of images used on a page. A/B testing is done to determine the most successful elements, and this is a process that must be revisited on a regular basis to ensure that results continue to be optimal. An effective conversion optimization program may mean the difference between lagging sales and enormously effective ad campaigns.

Get in touch with us today to build an online presence for your brand that is optimized for conversions.

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